The ASME BPVC Edition 2023 – The major changes and will become mandatory since 1st January 2024.
The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes are published on a two-year cycle with a July 1, 20XX publication date. The last publishing, 2023 Edition consists of 13 Sections, containing 32 Volumes with more than 19000 pages. The next edition will be published on July 1, 2025.
Major changes of ASME BPVC Edition 2023 (Main Sections)
ASME BPVC Section I ‒ Rules for Construction of Power Boilers
- PW-39.2 revised to address the use of buttering welds without PWHT of both materials.
- Form P-4 revised to include a section for documenting BEP under qualifying conditions.
- Tables PG-67.5, PG-67.5M, PG-68.7, and PG-68.7M relocated to an appendix to improve readability of overpressure protection requirements.
- Tables PG-67.5 & PG-67.5M expanded and revised for the Super-critical (Ksc) capacity correction factors in determining the rated relieving capacity of Pressure Relief Devices.
- PW-28.1.3 revised to permit simultaneous qualification of weld procedures by more than one organization.
- Revised y factor table in PG-27.4.6 to make consistent with Section II-D T-Notes.
ASME BPVC Section II ‒ Materials, Part A, Ferrous Material Specifications
- Updates to the latest adopted edition have been made to over 60 specifications.
- Two new specifications have been added:
- SA-439/439M Specification for Austenitic Ductile Iron Castings
- SA-1058/1058M Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products – Metric
- Two specifications have been removed:
- SA-557/SA-557M Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel Feedwater Heater Tubes
- SA-731/SA731M Specification for Seamless, Welded Ferritic, and Martensitic Stainless Steel Pipe
- A new statement of policy on the use of ASME material specifications has been added.
- Mandatory Appendix II has been retitled to “The Framework of ASME Material Specifications” and has been completely rewritten.
ASME BPVC Section II ‒ Materials, Part B, Nonferrous Material Specifications
- Updates to the latest adopted edition have been made to over 25 specifications.
- The range of acceptable ASTM editions has been updated for a number of specifications.
- A new statement of policy on the use of ASME material specifications hasbeen added.
- Mandatory Appendix II has been retitled to “The Framework of ASME Material Specifications” and has been completely rewritten.
ASME BPVC Section II ‒ Materials, Part C, Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals
- 14 AWS specifications for arc welding electrodes, gas welding rods and other filler metals were adopted or updated into the 2023 edition:
- SFA-5.5/SFA-5.5M,SFA-5.9/SFA-5.9M,SFA-5.10/SFA-5.10M,SFA-5.13/SFA-5.13M, SFA-5.16/SFA-5.16M, SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M, SFA-5.20/SFA-5.20M, SFA-5.23/SFA-5.23M, SFA-5.24/SFA-5.24M, SFA-5.28/SFA-5.28M, SFA-5.29/SFA-5.29M, SFA-5.30/SFA-5.30M, SFA- INSERT PICTURE 5.31/SFA-5.31M, SFA-5.32/SFA-5.32M
ASME BPVC Section IV ‒ Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers
- HG-715, HG-803, HLW-810, HLW-902, HLW-903, HLW-904, & HLW-906 were revised to support the proposed drain valve language in HG- 803.2(c)(3) and HG-803.3(c)(2), in order to align with the requirements in Code Cases 2873 and 2983, so they can be incorporated into the Section IV code.
- Section IV, Table 2-100, now references the “latest edition” of the CA-1Standard for Conformity Assessment Requirements, since Section 5.4, in the 2020 Edition of CA-1, incorporated requirements for reapplication of the ASME Single Certification Mark.
- A provision was added to HLW-602 and HG-531 for the removal of a nameplate or marking of a “Part” when incorporating the Part into a boiler that is to be certified
ASME BPVC Section V ‒ Nondestructive Examination
- Article 1, T-120(e) has been modified to include exceptions made to SNT-TC-1A and CP-189. This eliminated the need for Mandatory Appendices III & IV, which were removed.
- Added a new Mandatory Appendix for Article 12 on the evaluation of the sensitivity of an acoustic emission instrumentation.
- Added requirements for the use of TOFD without the supplemental scan of near-surface.
- Revised Article 9, para. T-953, Remote Visual, to accommodate deployment mechanisms like unmanned aircraft vehicles and systems.
- Adopted updated ASTM Specifications documents: ASTM E273- 2020, E999-2020, E1030-2021, E1114-2020, E1165-2020, E2491- 2013(R2018), E213-2022, A745-2020, E2491-2018, E2700-2020, D7091-2021, E243-2018, E797-2021, E976-2021, E1067-2018, E1118- 2020, E1419-00, E2075-2020, and E2261-2021.
ASME BPVC Section VIII ‒ Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Division 1
- Added a new paragraph UG-84(d)(3) to clarify the impact test requirements for diffusion welding (DFW).
- Paragraph UG-101(a)(5) was added to address sharing of proof testing reports between manufacturers owned by the same entity.
- Part UHX has been realigned and revised for consistency between the heat exchanger types. The shell and channel coefficients have been revised to be based on the mean diameter instead of the inside diameter, which is consistent with PTB-7.
- Part UHX and Appendix 26 design rules, which are identical to Part 4.18 and 4.19 of Division 2, have been removed and point to Part 4.18 and 4.19 when appropriate. This will enable identical requirements for all heat exchangers, resulting in easier maintenance through one set of rules.
- Revised the “PRT” designator to “PRT VIII-1” throughout Section VIII, Division 1.
ASME BPVC Section VIII ‒ Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Division 2, Alternative Rules
- Part 2 has been revised to remove Certifying Engineers for Class 2 Design-by- Rule (DBR) applications. This action will eliminate conflicts with international engineering registration requirements for the majority of applications.
- Part 4.18 has been realigned and revised for consistency between the heatexchanger types. The shell and channel coefficients have been revised and
- are now based on the mean diameter instead of the inside diameter, which is
- consistent with PTB-7.
- Paragraph, Category F, Locations, has been added in order to assign a common joint category to tube-to-tubesheet welds.
- Paragraph 5.4, Protection against failure from buckling, has been completely re-written and a new table of load cases, Table 5.8, has been added.
- Paragraph and Table 5.10 have been revised and now provide a quick- and-simple method to screen components in cyclic service, eliminating the need for a full-fatigue analysis.
- Revised the “PRT” designator to “PRT VIII-1” throughout Section VIII, Division 2.
ASME BPVC Section VIII ‒ Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Division 3, Alternative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels
- In KD-430, the minimum Delta Kth for the calculation of crack growth rates now includes Carbon and low-alloy steels with Sy less than or equal to 90ksi (620MPa).
- KD-322 provides additional clarity on the logarithmic interpolation between tabular values for individual design curves in Figures KD-320.1, KD-
- 320.1M, KD-320.2, and KD-320.2M. This new edition allows for linear interpolation for an intermediate ultimate tensile strength.
- • KM-270 now includes the notch tensile-strength test along with the calculation of the notch strength ratio.
- KM-234.1 (b) has been revised to lower the minimum-design-metal temperature for all materials that are not fully austenitic stainless steels.
- KG-310, KG-311, and KG-323, along with KD-740 were revised to supportmanufactures seeking to use a single user’s design specification for the production of vessel designs intended for use across multiple jurisdictions.
ASME BPVC Section IX Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications
- QG-108 has been revised to remove the 1962 provision and clarify the status of old PQRs when writing a WPS to a later edition.
- Definition of “initial heating interfacial pressure” was added was added to QG- 109.2 and previous omissions of “sidewall-fusing” was added to pertinent definitions within QG-109.2.
- Table QW-264 has a new requirement that includes carbon equivalent limits forapplicable steel alloys, when laser welding is performed, in order to addresthe increased risk of any cracks occurring.
- A new paragraph in QW-403 also includes the new variable for a change in base metals.
- The edited table QW/QB-422 now contains to include
- Weld metals based on SFA classification: SFA-5.9, SFA-5.18, & SFA-5.28
- An explanatory note-QW-424.3
- Base metal specification and grades for IRAM-IAS U 500-42, an Argentinian standard for structural use of hot rolled carbon steel sheets
- Nonmandatory Appendix L has been revised to further clarify the qualification requirements for welders and welding operators.
ASME BPVC Section XIII ‒ Rules for Overpressure Protection
- In Para 3.3.2, Seat and Disks, the meaning of the term steam cutting has been elaborated on.
- In Para, Test Results, guidance was provided on what to do when valves cannot be adjusted to meet blowdown performance, per
Table PICTURE - In Part 3, Section 3.5, Part 4, Section 4.2 and Section 1-2, definitions forassembler and manufacturer were revised for clarity and any requirements have been moved to the body of the standard.
- In Section 3.6 and Table 3.6, set pressure tolerance of –0% +10% has been added to Table for UV valves when the sole source
of overpressure is exposure to fire or heat. - In 3.6.4, Seat Tightness Test, water and gas test media have been generalized to incompressible and compressible fluids.
The major changes was published by TechstreetTM .