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Category: Design


The PED pressure test requirements are contain in the essential requirements in Annex I section 7.4. The hydrostatic pressure test is part of the final

metal bellows expansion joints

Metal expansion joints are flexible connections to allow axial, lateral or angular motion. They are installed in industrial piping, pressure vessels, heat exchangers and other

U-stamp and CE Marking

Different requirements apply to expansion joints for pressure vessels and Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers than for pipings. These usually have to be designed for

Standard bodies

Various heat exchanger design codes are also available for shell and tube heat exchangers and are used worldwide for different industries. The shell and tube

U-stamp and CE-Marking

Quick actuating closures are in widespread use throughout industry. Quick-actuating or quick-opening closures are those that permit substantially faster access to the contents space of


Brittle fracture resistant steels at low and very low-temperatures (cryogenic temperatures) applications are increasingly becoming the focus of energy supply due to the increasing transportation

EN 13445 series Pressure vessels

For non-pressure parts, e.g. for supporting lugs, skirts, saddles, baffles, brackets, and similar parts welded to pressure vessels, material shall be used which are supplied

EN 13445 and ASME BPVC Section VIII

Suitable bolting materials for lower application temperatures must be determined by the manufacturer on the basis of the risk analysis carried out with regard to


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  • Products limits dia., length & weight
  • Main used mat'l groups ISO/TR 15608
  • Directory is supported by professional Engineers
For free

Simple registration in 3 steps:

  1. Registration only with name, e-mail, company name,
  2. Approval and sending login data by PED directory team
  3. The vendor sends the prepared form with the details for the vendor directory listing

for Manufacturer/Suppliers

Yes, entries for any product categories are free.

No, the period can be agreed for a fixed term without a subscription.

After finding your interested manufacturer, you can contact him by clicking the Link on LOGO or Company Name