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Category: Conformity Assessment

conformity ped-assessment-modules

Conformity assessment is the process carried out by the manufacturer of demonstrating whether specified requirements such as PED relating to a pressure equipment have been


The manufacturer himself ensures the conformity of the products to the legislative requirements (no EU-type examination). No notified body is involved for this module. This


PED Module A2 product checks at random intervals carried out by a notified body or in-house accredited body. This module is suitable for pressure equipments categories


The manufacturer operates a production (manufacturing part and inspection of final product) quality assurance system in order to ensure conformity to PED requirements. The notified


The manufacturer operates a product quality (= production quality without the manufacturing part) assurance system for final product inspection and testing in order to ensure conformity


Module B is always followed by other modules by which the conformity of the pressure equipment to the approved EU-type is demonstrated. A notified body


Module B (production) is always followed by other modules by which the conformity of the pressure equipment to the approved EU-type is demonstrated. A notified


Module B (design) is always followed by other modules by which the conformity of the pressure equipment to the approved EU-type is demonstrated. A notified


Module B is always followed by other modules by which the conformity of the pressure equipment to the approved EU-type is demonstrated. A notified body


Manufacturers & Suppliers
  • Link directly to your Website
  • Company type
  • Location
  • Brief description of your company
  • Products limits dia., length & weight
  • Main used mat'l groups ISO/TR 15608
  • Directory is supported by professional Engineers
For free

Simple registration in 3 steps:

  1. Registration only with name, e-mail, company name,
  2. Approval and sending login data by PED directory team
  3. The vendor sends the prepared form with the details for the vendor directory listing

for Manufacturer/Suppliers

Yes, entries for any product categories are free.

No, the period can be agreed for a fixed term without a subscription.

After finding your interested manufacturer, you can contact him by clicking the Link on LOGO or Company Name