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pressure equipments plant

Gerd Lannewehr

Calculations/preliminary costings in accordance with the following design codes:AD 2000, ASME VIII Div. 1/Div. 2, EN-13445, EN 1591, PD5500, TEMA;Using software:ANSYS, Compress, DIMy, FE-Pipe, Nozzle Pro, PV Elite;

Becker & Klaffka Engineering GbR

Becker & Klaffka – Strength calculations, service life verifications, stability and stability verifications, calculations for plant engineering, apparatus engineering & pressure equipment, DGRL, AD 2000, DIN EN 13445, DIN EN 1591, ASME, WRC, TSG (China), earthquake calculations, wind calculations, nozzle loads, dimensioning of classic machine components, Structural mechanics FEM simulations and result evaluation, NASTRAN, ANSYS, […]