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EN 13445 and ASME BPVC Section VIII

The use of certified materials from other codes was and still is a major problem. This is partly due to historical reasons and other interests may play a major role here. Nevertheless, under certain conditions it is possible to use. …

PED Pressure Equipment Directive

The EN 10204 certificate types for pressurised parts is an essential safety requirements of PED to ensure that the material used conforms with the required specification. The standard is not limited to metallic products e.g. plates, bars, forging, casts), but …

PED Operating Instruction

Operating instructions are information provided by the manufacturer to the user for proper and intended use and safe operation. The specific requirements for an operating instruction are set out in Annex I, Section 3.4 of the Pressure Equipment Directive. Operating …


The gasket characteristics are determined in a defined procedure under laboratory conditions under idealised test conditions. This test is based on the corresponding compression, leakage and relaxation tests in accordance with EN 13555. The gasket characteristics must adequately describe the …


To confirm the safe function of a flange connection, proof of tightness and proof of strength must be provided. In the case of tightness verifications, proof must be provided that the design of the flange, gasket and bolt system ensures …


Compatible hydrogen piping steel is coming into focus in the context of the increasing importance of hydrogen for energy applications, particularly with regard to hydrogen embrittlement (HE). Carbon steels with higher strengths are increasingly coming into focus for the storage …

The European industrial piping standards EN 13480 series are the European industrial piping code and specifying requirements for the design, construction, inspection and testing of industrial piping made from steels (more…)

EN 13445 and ASME BPVC Section VIII

The latest articles The preheat temperature calculation The preheat temperature calculator is a helpful tool for determining the preheating temperature for welded joints on pressurised equipment. The heat introduced into the material during welding and thus the large temperature gradient …

Hydrogen Piping

The latest articles Carbon equivalents are used as a parameter for estimating weldability with regard to crack sensitivity, particularly in the heat affected zone. There are several formulae for describing the carbon equivalent, in which the individual alloy elements are …

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