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ISO 5208: Valve seat leakage rate

The internal tightness of valves is an essential safety requirement in pressurized systems. Leaks can be a danger to people and the environment or have an impact on processes. As there is no such thing as absolute tightness, technical tightness is defined by leakage rates. The necessary leakage rate must be determined by the operator […]

Pressure Relief Device: Standards and Specifications

U-stamp and CE Marking

Pressure-relieving valves and devices shall conform to the requirements specified standards and specifications. Additional requirements for certification and marking requirements such as PED (CE marking) and ASME BPVC (Designation stamp) should be apply. Below is a list of the most important standards and specifications: Standard/Specification Title Description Remark API STD 520 Part 1 Sizing, Selection, […]

What are essential safety requirements for products under EU legislation?

A fundamental feature of a large part of Union harmonisation legislation is to limit legislative harmonisation to the essential safety requirements (ESR) that are of public interest. These requirements deal with the protection of health and safety of users (usually consumers and workers) but may also cover other fundamental requirements (for example protection of property, […]

What are harmonised standards? 

Harmonised standards have the meaning that they can be used by manufacturers for proof of conformity wit EU legislations such as PED.. A harmonised standard is a European standard elaborated on the basis of a request from the European Commission to a recognized European Standards Organisation (CEN, CENELEC or ETSI) to develop a European standard […]

Are European harmonised standards mandatory?

Harmonised standards are not mandatory? Manufacturers, other economic operators, or conformity assessment bodies are free to choose another technical solution to demonstrate compliance with the mandatory legal requirements.

What are harmonised standards in accordance to EU legislation?

Harmonised standards are defined as technical specifications, adopted by a recognised standardisation body, and approved and published by the EU Commission for repeated or continuous applications. A harmonised standard in this context can be a harmonised product standard for an item of pressure equipment or an assembly which may be CE marked e.g. EN 13445 […]