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FAQ Category: Manufacturing

EN 13445 and ASME BPVC Section VIII

The latest articles The preheat temperature calculation The preheat temperature calculator is a helpful tool for determining the preheating temperature for welded joints on pressurised equipment. The heat introduced into the material during welding and thus the large temperature gradient …

Hydrogen Piping

The latest articles Carbon equivalents are used as a parameter for estimating weldability with regard to crack sensitivity, particularly in the heat affected zone. There are several formulae for describing the carbon equivalent, in which the individual alloy elements are …

welding pressure vessel

The latest articles In addition to carbon, other alloying elements also favour cold cracking. Carbon equivalents are often determined to estimate the susceptibility to cracking. There are numerous formulae for describing the carbon equivalent, in which the individual alloying elements …

welding column

The latest articles Calculate Carbon equivalent for estimating weldability with regard to the risk of cold cracking and as an auxiliary parameter for determining the preheating temperature during welding. Carbon equivalents are used as a parameter for estimating weldability with …


The carbon equivalent calculation for steel is carried out on the basis of the chemical composition (preferably the product analysis). The value is used to estimate hardening and susceptibility to cold cracking during welding. In addition to carbon, other alloying …


Pressure equipment shall undergo a final inspection to assess visually and by examination of the accompanying documents compliance with the requirements of this Directive. Test carried out during manufacture may be taken into account. As far as is necessary on …

Ping and valve

At the valve seat leakage test (also called closure test), one side (valve inlet) shall be subjected to the test pressure and amount of leak shall be measured on the opposite side of the valve. The seat leakage of control …

Welder Qualification

The PED explicitly requires the qualification of welders to be certified by recognised bodies. The qualification of welders (especially manual welding) is an important prerequisite for the manufacture of welded (more…)

EN 13445 and ASME BPVC Section VIII

The approval of welding procedure qualifications (WPQR) is usually based on a harmonised standard such as EN ISO 15614-1. However, if it is based on another document, the PED should (more…)

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