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ISO/TR 15608 Material Group 24.2

Material Group 24.2 ISO/TR 15608:
Aluminium-siliconmagnesium (e.g. Al-Si-7 Mg alloy) cast alloys with 5 % < Si ≤ 15 %, 0,1 < Mg ≤ 0,80 and Cu ≤ 1 %

Al–Si–7 Mg Castings alloy

Cast Al–Si–Mg alloys have been widely used in industry for the manufacturing of light-weight structures due to the excellent combination of good castability, strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance. The cast Al–Si–Mg alloys can be significantly strengthened after T6 heat treatment, in order to strengthen the cast Al–Si–Mg alloys further, Cu is usually added into the cast Al–Si–Mg–Cu alloys.

The materials are generally easy to weld.

Aluminium-silicon-castings alloys without magnesium:  see Group 24.1

Typical materials in group 24.2

EN AC‑AlSi7MgEN AC‑42000EN 1706Castings.
EN AC-AISi7Mg0,3EN AC-42100EN 1706Castings
EN AC‑AlSi7Mg0,6EN AC-42200EN 1706Castings
EN AC‑AlSi7(Mg)EN AC‑42300EN 1706Castings
EN AC‑AlSi10Mg(a)EN AC-43000EN 1706Castingsx
EN AC‑AlSi9MgEN AC-43300EN 1706Castings
EN AC‑AlSi11EN AC‑44000EN 1706Castings
EN AC‑AlSi12(a)EN AC‑44200EN 1706Castings
EN AC‑AlSi7Cu0,5MgEN AC‑45500EN 1706Castings
T6ASTM B-26CastingsA03560x
T71ASTM B-26CastingsA03560x
Table: Typical materials