Material Group 53 EN ISO 15608: Titanium alpha-beta alloys b;
b Alloys covered by group 53 are: Ti-3Al-2.5V, Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn, Ti-7Al-4Mo;
Features of Titanium alpha-beta alloys
Grade 5:
Ti-6Al-4V (Titanium Grade 5) is the most widely used of all the alpha-beta titanium alloys accounting for more than 50% of total titanium usuage. It is typically used in the annealed condition, at service temperatures through 400°C (750°F).
A major industrial application for this titanium grade is in heat transfer applications such titanium condenser, shell and tube heat exchangers and plate and frame heat exchangers are used extensively in power plants, refineries, chemical plants and offshore platforms. Grade 5 is readily weldable using GTAW or TIG processes if adequate shielding is provided using pure inert gas (Argon or Helium). Use of a trailing shield is recommended. Titanium must be free of oil, grease or other contamination before welding.
Grade 9:
Medium strength, non-ageable Ti alloy (Ti-3Al-2.5V) offering highest strength and design allowables under the pressure vessel code, with good weldability and cold fabricability for mildly reducing to mildly oxidizing media. It offers 20 to 50% higher tensile strength than the commercially pure titanium at room and elevated temperatures. It is much more amenable to cold working than Ti 6AI/4V alloy and can be cold worked 75 to 85% to result in moderately high strength and good ductility.
Grade 28:
Ru-enhanced version of (Ti-3Al-2.5V–Ru) with equivalent physical and mechanical properties and fabricability, offering elevated resistance to dilute reducing acids and crevice corrosion in hot halide (brine) media. Approved for sour service use under the NACE MR-01-75 Standard.
Grade 38:
Is an alpha-beta titanium alloy that uses iron and vanadium as beta stabilizers as well as aluminum as an alpha stabilizer. The lower aluminum and vanadium contents and higher oxygen and iron contents give ATI 425® alloy a unique combination of ductility and tensile strength. The excellent ductility permits forming at room temperature. Is easily welded in the annealed condition using methods typically applied to titanium, such as TIG, MIG.
Typical materials in group 53
Name / Grade | Number | Standard | Product | Remarks |
Ti-6Al-4V (Grade 5) | 3.7165 | DIN 17851 | – | – |
Grade 9 | 3.7195 | DIN 17851 | – | – |
9 9 9 WPT 9 F-9 9 9 | R56320 R56320 R56320 R56320 R56320 R56320 R56320 | ASTM B-265 ASTM B-338 ASTM B-348 ASTM B-363 ASTM B-381 ASTM B-861 ASTM B-862 | Plate & sheet Smls. & welded tube Bar Smls. & welded fitting Forging Smls. pipe Welded pipe | ASME BPVC ASME BPVC ASME BPVC ASME BPVC ASME BPVC ASME BPVC ASME BPVC |
28 28 28 WPT 28 F-28 28 28 | R56620 R56620 R56620 R56620 R56620 R56620 R56620 | ASTM B-265 ASTM B-338 ASTM B-348 ASTM B-363 ASTM B-381 ASTM B-861 ASTM B-862 | Plate & sheet Smls. & welded tube Bar Smls. & welded fitting Forging Smls. pipe Welded pipe | ASME BPVC ASME BPVC ASME BPVC ASME BPVC ASME BPVC ASME BPVC ASME BPVC |
38 38 38 WPT 38 F-38 38 38 | R54250 R54250 R54250 R54250 R54250 R54250 R54250 | ASTM B-265 ASTM B-338 ASTM B-348 ASTM B-363 ASTM B-381 ASTM B-861 ASTM B-862 | Plate & sheet Smls. & welded tube Bar Smls. & welded fitting Forging Smls. pipe Welded pipe | ASME BPVC & Code Case 2532-2 ASME BPVC & Code Case 2532-2 ASME BPVC & Code Case 2532-2 ASME BPVC & Code Case 2532-2 ASME BPVC & Code Case 2532-2 ASME BPVC & Code Case 2532-2 ASME BPVC & Code Case 2532-2 |