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pressure equipments plant

ISO/TR 15608 Material Group 72.1

Material Group 72.1 ISO/TR 15608: Spheroidal graphite cast iron, ferrite type, with specified tensile strength 0,2 % proof test, elongation and specified impact resistance values

Typical materials in group 72.1

EN-GJS-350-22EN-JS1010EN 1563EN 13445-6
EN-GJS-400-18EN-JS1020EN 1563EN 13445-6
EN-GJS-400-15EN-JS1030EN 1563
EN 12516-4
EN-GJS-4S0-10EN-JS1040EN 1563
EN-GJS-500-7EN-JS1050EN 1563
EN 12516-4
EN-GJS-600-3EN-JS1060EN 1563
EN 12516-4
EN-GJS-700-2EN-JS1070EN 1563
EN-GJS-800-2EN-JS1080EN 1563
EN-GJS-900-2EN-JS1090EN 1563
EN-GJS-900-2UEN-JS1122EN 1563
EN-GJS-HB130EN-JS2010EN 1563
EN-GJS-HB150EN-JS2020EN 1563
EN-GJS-HB155EN-JS2030EN 1563
EN-GJS-HB185EN-JS2040EN 1563
EN-GJS-HB200ENJ-S2050EN 1563
EN-GJS-HB230EN-JS2060EN 1563
EN-GJS-HB260EN-JS2070EN 1563
EN-GJS-HB300EN-JS2080EN 1563
EN-GJS-HB330EN-JS2090EN 1563
Table: Typical materials