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Marking and labelling of pressure equipments

The PED contains marking and labelling requirements for traceability and safety informations for pressure equipments.

From a regulator’s perspective, traceability matters because it enables effective enforcement through market surveillance via corrective measures including withdrawals and recalls. It enables unsafe or non-compliant products to be traced up the distribution chain and identifies roles and responsibilities of the economic operator throughout the chain. Traceability enables market surveillance authorities to trace products up to the factory gate and from factory to the end-user in certain cases.

From the manufacturer’s point of view, traceability is important because it enables effective control of the relevant distribution chain after the products have been placed on the market.

Name Plate
Name plate example

Marking and labelling in acc. to PED for traceability and safety informations

  1. CE-Marking
    CE- Marking is required on each pressure equipment or assembly directly or its name plate.
    In this time the pressure equipment or assembly shall be complete or shall be in a state permitting final assessment as described in point 3.2 of Annex I.
  2. Name and address
    The full name (or registered trade name or registered trade mark) and address of the manufacturer and, in the case of pressure equipment or assembly imported from a third country, also the name (or registered trade name or registered trade mark) and address of the importer. Where that is not possible, on the packaging or in a document accompanying the equipment or assembly. The address shall indicate a single point at which the manufacturer can be contacted. The contact details shall be in a language easily understood by consumers, other users and market surveillance authorities.
    A website is considered additional information, but is not sufficient as an address.
  3. Identification and labelling
    • All pressure equipments must bear a
      • type, batch, serial or model number or other element allowing its identification.
      • state the year of manufacture and
      • contain information on the main permissible upper/lower limit values.
    • Depending on the type of pressure equipment, further information necessary for safe installation, operation or use and, where applicable, maintenance and periodic inspection such as:
      • the volume V of the pressure equipment in L,
      • the nominal size for piping DN,
      • the test pressure PT applied in bar and date,
      • safety device set pressure in bar,
      • output of the pressure equipment in kW,
      • supply voltage in V (volts),
      • intended use,
      • filling ratio kg/L,
      • maximum filling mass in kg,
      • tare mass in kg,
      • the fluid group.
  4. Warnings
    Where necessary, warnings fixed to the pressure equipment drawing attention to misuse which experience has shown might occur.

Additional informations about PED marking requirements

Note 1:  It is not necessary for the CE marking to be affixed to each individual item of pressure equipment making up an assembly. Individual items of pressure equipment already bearing the CE marking when incorporated into the assembly shall continue to bear that marking.

Note 2: Where the affixing of the CE marking is not possible or not warranted on account of the nature of the equipment or assembly, it shall be affixed to the packaging and to the accompanying documents.

Note 3: The information referred to in points (2), (3) and (4 above) shall be given on the pressure equipment or on a name plate firmly attached to it, with the following exceptions:

  • where applicable, appropriate documentation may be used to avoid repetitive marking of individual parts such as piping components, intended for the same assembly
  • where the pressure equipment is too small, e.g. accessories, this information may be given on a label attached to that pressure equipment
  • labelling or other adequate means may be used for the mass to be filled and the warnings referred to in point (4) above, provided it remains legible for the appropriate period of time.

Note 4: Pressure vessels with several pressure chambers, such as heat exchangers, only receive one marking. The marking shall include the limits of the two chambers.

Note 5: The marking is usually made on a fixed name plate ( min. thickness 1 mm) ate which shall be permanently attached to the equipment. However, it is not prohibited to use a sticker, provided that the sticker cannot be removed, is indelible and legible for the duration of the intended use and under the expected conditions of use, and is firmly attached to the pressure equipment.

Requirements in acc. to EN 13445
Direct stamping instead name plate on the equipment is allowed, when “low stress” stamps are used. The height of the characters shall not be less than 5 mm.

Note 6: Safety accessories exclusively manufactured and put on the market for specific pressure equipment or assemblies of the PED shall not bear the CE marking under the PED. The specific use shall be clearly mentioned by the manufacturer of the safety accessory in the instructions.

Note 7: Several pipings that are part of an industrial plant can be provided with a single marking. providing the CE marking is prominently displayed and the accompanying documentation supplied by the manufacturer to the user clearly defines the boundary of the installation.

Read More

What is the number behind the CE marking?

Who may affix the CE marking?

What is the number behind the CE marking?

Does the CE marking have to be affixed directly to the product?

CE Marking

What does the CE marking stand for?

Import of pressure equipment into the EU market


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  • Company type
  • Location
  • Brief description of your company
  • Products limits dia., length & weight
  • Main used mat'l groups ISO/TR 15608
  • Directory is supported by professional Engineers
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Simple registration in 3 steps:

  1. Registration only with name, e-mail, company name,
  2. Approval and sending login data by PED directory team
  3. The vendor sends the prepared form with the details for the vendor directory listing

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