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What are ISO 15608 Material groups?

ISO 15608 material groups according to their similar properties such as chemical composition, weldability and mechanical properties. However, it can also be used for other applications such as NDE or heat treatments.

The standard covers grouping systems for the following standardised materials:

  • steels
  • aluminium and its alloys
  • copper and its alloys
  • nickel and its alloys
  • titanium an its alloys
  • zirconium and its alloys
  • cast irons.

ISO 15608 material groups reduces the number of welding procedure qualifications (PQR) e.g. ISO 15614-1, ISO 15614-2, ISO 15609-1/4, ISO 15610;

One PQR is required for a single material group, whereby this material group can contain several specific materials.

ISO 15608 is included in many regulations and standards so that this simplification of welding qualifications can be used there e.g. EN 13445, AD 2000, PD 5500, EN 1092-2, ISO 9606-1/2, EN 1090-2.

ASME BPVC Section VIII Div. 1 and ASME BPVC Section IX and has a similar group classification (P-number), but cannot be adopted 1:1.

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Which material belongs to which material group?

Data Base for all Material Groups in acc. to ISO 15608


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