With the European approval for materials (EAM) process, new materials can be developed outside the standardisation process and are then considered approved.
European material approval (EAM) is possible under the Pressure Equipment Directive if there is no harmonized standard for the material.
Remarks: Has so far only been applied once for pure nickel with low carbon for pressure equipment material for plates (EAM Nickel 201-1), forgings (EAM Nickel 201-2), bars (EAM Nickel 201-3), and seamless tubes (EAM Nickel 201-2).
European approval for materials (EAM) means a technical document defining the characteristics of materials intended for repeated use in the manufacture of pressure equipment, the type of which is not covered by any harmonised standard.
It shall describe material properties in a concise, complete and correct manner and in general not contain rules on their use in calculation and design.
If the document has been officially published in the Official Journal of the EU, the manufacturer can assume that the PED requirements have been met (presumption of conformity).
What typ of material EAM may follow the European Approval for Materials (EAM) route?
An EAM may be issued for a special or novel material grade not included in a European material standard harmonized under the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). Such a material grade shall have a specification associated with particular chemistry and/or conferring specific mechanical properties or characteristics such as corrosion resistance. These mechanical properties or characteristics shall be supplementary to those in similar harmonised standards.
An EAM is a route to facilitate the use of safe materials in absence of harmonised standards and to encourage material technology development and innovation.
An EAM shall not be issued for:
- a grade of material listed in a current or former national material standard that has a specification covered by a harmonised European material standard.
- a grade of material which was previously included in a European national material standard but which was not included in the harmonised European material standard which has replaced the European national material standard
In those cases a PMA is to be drawn up.
A “grade of material” may be designated by use of a material number in accordance with EN 10027-2 in the case of metallic materials.
Presumption of conformity
Materials for the manufacture of pressure equipment that comply with the European material approvals are presumed to comply with the essential safety requirements of the PED after their references have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Similar to the harmonised material standards, the presumption of conformity is limited to the technical data and materials in the European material approval, without triggering the presumption of conformity for the use of the material for a specific part of the equipment.