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Which PED classification applies to pressure gauges?

Pressure gauges are pressure accessories within the meaning of PED Article 2, paragraph 5, which may be covered by CE marking for high pressure (see table below).

Remark 1: Pressure gauges are not safety accessories within the meaning of PED Article 2 paragraph 4.

Remark 2: A pressure gauge may possibly be regarded as a protective device within the meaning of PED Annex I, point 2.10 b.

Remark 3: The conformity assessment categories for vessels with a volume ≤ 0,1 litre cannot be determined from PED annex II tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 because the tables are not specified for volumes < 0,1 litre.

Remark 4: If a pressure gauge has a volume ≤ 0,1 litre, and a value of PS above the limits defined in PED Article 4 paragraph 1, then the vessels must satisfy the essential safety requirements of Annex I.

Table: Classification of pressure gauges (low volume-high pressure accessory):

Table in
Annex II
(Volume ≤ 0,1 litre)
(Volume ≤ 0,1 litre)
Fluid Group 1
PS ≤ 200 bar
PS > 200 bar
Essential Safety Requirements Annex I applies
Fluid Group 2
PS ≤ 1000 bar
PS > 1000 bar
Essential Safety Requirements Annex I applies
Fluid Group 1
PS ≤ 500 bar
PS > 500 bar
Essential Safety Requirements Annex I applies
Fluid Group 2
PS ≤ 1000 bar
PS > 1000 bar
Essential Safety Requirements Annex I applies
1 Sound Engineering Practice
acc. PED Art. 4 par. 3
  1. The conformity assessment categories for pressure gauge with a volume ≤ 0,1 litre cannot be determined from Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 because the Tables are not specified for volumes < 0,1 litre. However, Article 4 paragraph 1 together with Article 4 paragraph 3 can be used to determine which pressure gauge must satisfy the essential safety requirements and those that must be designed and manufactured according to the Sound Engineering Practice (SEP) of a Member State.
  2. If a pressure gauge has a volume ≤ 0,1 litre, and a value of PS above the limits defined in Article 4 paragraph 1, then the pressure gauge must satisfy the essential safety requirements of Annex I.
  3. In the absence of specific information in the Tables of Annex II for the conformity assessment of pressure gauge described in point 2 above, the manufacturer may choose any module‚ or single combination of modules, set out in PED section 1 of Annex II.

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