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pressure equipments plant

Guideline A-03



1) Entire change: the complete replacement of an item of pressure equipmentby a new one is covered by the PED.

2) Repairs are not covered by the PED but are covered by national regulations(if any).

3) Pressure equipment which has been subject to important modifications thatchange its original characteristics, purpose and/or type after it has been putinto service has to be considered as a new product covered by the directive.

This has to be assessed on a case by case basis.

Note 1:
Operating instructions in the sense of the PED (see PED Guideline H-03) cover documentation concerning safe operation including maintenance, but not necessarily detailed information concerning repair or modification of the equipment (e.g. material certificates or qualification of welding procedures).

Such information may be provided by a specific contractual agreement between manufacturer and user.

Note 2:
The directive applies only to the first making available on the market and putting into service. See “Blue Guide” chapter 2