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pressure equipments plant

Guideline H-07



All the reasonably foreseeable conditions shall be taken into account, which occur during operation (starting, operation, stop) and standby (storage, transport, maintenance, emptying, blanketing or inerting).

Note 1:
The operating instructions shall identify the reasonably foreseeable hazards arising from misuse which were not possible to eliminate during the design (see Annex I section 1.3).

Note 2:
The maximum allowable pressure is used to determine the test pressure, not vice versa.

Note 3:
“Pressure relative to atmospheric pressure”, as defined in Article 2 (7) is the pressure inside the envelope. It shall not be interpreted as “differential pressure between atmospheric pressure and absolute pressure prevailing inside the equipment” for the purposes of classification.

Example: Blanketing (inerting) at more than 0,5 bar of an equipment which operates at less than 0,5 bar will have the consequence of including the equipment in the scope of the directive, if not otherwise excluded.