The PMA shall describe the material properties in a manner that is concise, complete and correct for the foreseen application (see also PED Guideline G-18). It shall comprise qualitative and quantitative data providing evidence thatthe relevant Essential Safety Requirements (ESR) of PED Annex I are met.
The responsibility for drawing up the PMA lays with the pressure equipment manufacturer.
The PMA shall be part of the technical documentation.
The PED requires a specific assessment of a PMA by a notified body for pressure equipment in category III and IV.
Note 1:
For further guidance about the process and the content of a PMA refer to the Guiding principles in document PE-03-28 approved by the Working Group Pressure (current version downloadable from the PED website).
Note 2:
When European harmonised material standards are available for materials similar to a material grade covered by the PMA, the material characteristics (e.g. rupture energy, elongation after fracture, corrosion resistance,…) included in this European harmonised material standard are to be considered in the PMA. See also PED Guideline G-01