Guideline A-04
When the content, main purpose and safety systems remain essentially the same, it may be regarded as a non important modification of an existing piping system and is therefore not covered by the PED. Reason:See PED Guideline A-03
Guideline A-09
Are piping components, such as a pipe or system of pipes, tubing, fittings, expansion Individual piping components, such as a pipe or system of pipes, tubing, fittings, expansion bellows, hoses, or other pressure bearing components are not “piping”.However, a single pipe, or a system of pipes, for specific application, may be classed as “piping”, provided […]
Guideline A-38
Yes. Reason:1) Even though extinguishing gas (such as CO2 or inert gas) piping will be only momentarily pressurised during activation of the extinguishing system and such piping is open at the discharge end, it will be exposed to a pressure PS above 0,5 bar. 2) The piping of a sprinkler system is not considered to […]
Guideline A-42
Yes. Reason:Even though discharge piping will be only momentarily pressurised, and such piping is open at the discharge end, it fulfils the definition of piping in Article 2 (3). Note 1:A silencer installed in the discharge piping is excluded according to Article 1 paragraph 2 (p). Note 2:The location where the pressure PS is specified […]
Guideline A-55
Turbine piping defined as “connecting lines between different casings of the turbine train and connecting line between two positions at a single turbine casing and internal piping” is evaluated as follows: Note 1:The manufacturer has the ultimate responsibility to perform a hazard analysis and to determine the Directives applicable to the equipment. Note 2:Inlet and […]
Guideline B-04
Heat exchangers are considered to be vessels. As an exception, heat exchangers which consist of straight or bent pipes which may be connected by common circular header(s) made also from pipe are classified according to Article 2 (3) last sentence as piping if, and only if, the three following conditions are met: For such heat […]
Guideline B-28
For such a piping the maximum DN used for that item of pressure equipment shall be the basis for the classification. The manufacturer shall show the extent of piping for that item in the technical documentation. Note:The term a “piping” as used above means an item of pressure equipment, and not an “assembly” as defined […]
Guideline B-35
These double envelopes are to be considered as part of piping if the function of these double envelopes cannot be disassociated from the internal piping intended for the transport of the fluids. Reason:The technical rules for the design and the manufacture of these double envelopes are usually the same as those for piping. Note 1:The […]
Guideline B-37
A condensate trap is intended to play an operational role which is the collection of condensates. Therefore it is generally considered as a pressure accessory, placed on the market with CE marking where appropriate. However, a condensate trap specifically designed and manufactured as a part of a given item of piping may be assessed as […]