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pressure equipments plant

Guideline B-41



As of 1 June 2015 classification of fluids is based on article 13 of PED 2014/68/EU. Article 13 paragraph 1 (a) lists the physical and health hazard classes and categories for substances and mixtures included in Group 1. The classification is based on the CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. The table below provides an overview of the hazard classes and categories and the corresponding hazard statements according the CLP Regulation including references to the criteria and label elements in the CLP Regulation.

CLP hazard classes and categories (as
listed in article 13 of PED
Criteria according Annex I to CLPHazard statement according CLPLabel elements according to Annex I to CLP
(i) unstable explosives or explosives of Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5;Section 2.1.2 H200, H201, H202, H203, H204, H205Table 2.1.2
(ii) flammable gases, category 1 and 2
(note: this is also including chemically
unstable gases);
Section 2.2.2 H220, H221, H230, H231Table 2.2.3
(iii) oxidising gases, category 1; Section 2.4.2 H270 Table 2.4.2
(iv) flammable liquids, category 1 and 2Section 2.6.2 H224, H225 Table 2.6.2
(v) flammable liquids, category 3 where the maximum allowable temperature is above the flashpoint;Section 2.6.2 H226 Table 2.6.2
(vi) flammable solids, category 1 and 2; Section 2.7.2 H228 Table 2.7.2
(vii) self-reactive substances and mixtures, type A to F;Section 2.8.2 H240, H241, H242Table 2.8.1
(viii) pyrophoric liquids, category 1; Section 2.9.2 H250 Table 2.9.2
(ix) pyrophoric solids, category 1; Section 2.10.2H250 Table 2.10.2
(x) substances and mixtures which in contact with water emit flammable gases, category 1,2 and 3;Section 2.12.2 H260, H261 Table 2.12.2
(xi) oxidising liquids, category 1, 2 and 3;Section 2.13.2 H271, H272 Table 2.13.2
(xii) oxidising solids, category 1, 2 and 3;Section 2.14.2 H271, H272 Table 2.14.2
(xiii) organic peroxides types A to F;Section 2.15.2 H240, H241, H242Table 2.15.1
(xiv) acute oral toxicity, category 1 and 2;Table 3.1.1 H300 Table 3.1.3
(xv) acute dermal toxicity, category 1 and 2;Table 3.1.1 H310 Table 3.1.3
(xvi) acute inhalation toxicity, category 1, 2 and 3;Table 3.1.1 H330, H331 Table 3.1.3
(xvii) specific target organ toxicity – single exposure, category 1.Table 3.8.1 H370 Table 3.8.4

Note 1:
Article 13 paragraph 1 (a) also states that “Group 1 comprises also substances and mixtures contained in pressure equipment with a maximum allowable temperature which exceeds the flash point of the fluid”. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that the flammability hazard is properly addressed for those substances and mixtures which are not classified as flammable under the CLP Regulation (based on the temperature criteria of the CLP Regulation) but which are presenting this hazard due to the maximum allowable temperature (TS).

For example, Heat transfer oils are not classified as flammable liquids according to the CLP Regulation because their flashpoint is above 60 °C (see CLP Regulation Annex I, Table 2.6.1 in Section 2.6 Flammable Liquids, 2.6.2 Classification criteria). However, if the maximum allowable temperature (TS) is above the flashpoint, the hazard of heat transfer oil corresponds to a Group 1 fluid.

Note 2:
“Chemically unstable gases, Category A and B” are included in CLP Hazard classes and categories according to Regulation N°1272/2008 amended by Regulation N° 487/2013, the corresponding hazard statements are H230 and H231

Note 3:
Please note that the CLP Regulation is subject to adaptations to technical progress and therefore the information in the table above should be checked with the version of the CLP Regulation in force at the time the equipment is placed on the market.

Note 4:
For questions related to the CLP Regulation please consult your national CLP-helpdesks. Further information on the CLP Regulation can be found on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) website:
On the ECHA website there is also a list with the contact details of all national CLP-helpdesks.