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pressure equipments plant

Guideline D-01



Module G does not explicitly require formal design approval by a notified body but it does require the manufacturer to submit to a notified body, technical documentation to enable the design, manufacture and operation of the pressure equipment to be understood. It also requires the notified body to examine the design and construction of the pressure equipment to ensure its conformity with the requirements of the Directive which apply to it. It is expected that the notified body will report the outcome of the examination of the design to the manufacturer and this will effectively constitute design approval.

As stated above, module G does not contain any explicit requirement for approval of the design by the notified body. However, it is understood that design approval is common practice for the types of pressure equipment to which module G would be applied. Module G does require that a notified body must examine the design of the pressure equipment and it is considered reasonable to expect the notified body to inform the manufacturer of the results of the examination.