Guideline J-06
The harmonised standard or specification referred to is the governing document(s) embracing all aspects of materials, design, manufacturing and testing of the item of pressure equipment or assembly. If the governing document is an internal specification or a published technical code, this information shall also be given. However, as regards conditions related to the use […]
Guideline J-08
The declaration of conformity of assemblies must contain a description of all items of pressure equipment constituting the assembly together with, for each PED item, the conformity assessment procedure followed. Note:This description includes the identification of the items of pressure equipment falling under category I to IV. The other items taken into account in the […]
Guideline I-16
The manufacturer of CE-marked pressure equipment or assembly should be aware that the EU declaration of conformity must be made available for national authorities immediately upon request. Otherwise the presumption of conformity as provided for in Article 5, paragraph 1, is in doubt. For this purpose the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the […]
Guideline I-22
PED Article 17 paragraph 2 requires the EU declaration of conformity “shall be translated into the language or languages required by the Member State in whose market the pressure equipment or assembly is placed or made available on the market.”